Saturday, June 28, 2008


My kids are keeping summer journals. I love the opportunity it gives them to write and express themselves, and I must admit, I get many giggles over their sweet and honest responses to the questions or assignments I pose for them daily.

Today they were a bit tired of my "When I am a grown-up, I..., I feel proud when..., If I could ask God one question I would ask Him..." type questions and so we decided on something a little more tangible (and darn cute I must admit). The assignment was: "A letter to our new brother..." They were excited (as excited as they can be with "summer work....aarrgghh")!

Here are the treasures that are etched on their pages:
"Dear Baby Brother,
Our house is the prfikct (perfect) house for you. And the dog is vareey (very) nice. My name is Maggie Wolf. Barrett is the wun (one) hoo (who) likes to read. And Maryn is the wun (one) hoo (who) likes pepoll (people) to read to her. We are all wateeing (waiting) for you.
ur sister Maggie"
(age 6)

"Dear Baby Brother,
I know you would like it here Baby brother. You will sleep in my room. It will be fun having you. I will want to read to you and play trains with you. It will be fun having you play with me and my baby sisters. We have a puppy named Zizou. By name is Barrett Wolf and my sisters names are Maryn (the crazy one) and Maggie (the one who likes to write). Our favorite things to do are go to Disneyland and California Adventure. I love you brother.
(age 7)

Now, can I not LOVE these? They will be treasured forever and hopefully read in person to a dear little soul soon. I asked Barrett if he really already loved his new brother--I just thought this could lead to some deep, tender conversation about how we will work hard to help our new brother feel loved and comfortable, that the transition will be hard, etc. But I couldn't go to those places for the tears welling up in my eyes at his honest response:, "Yeah Mom, I love him TONS. And I miss him too."


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